Wednesday, August 15, 2007

C# Threading

Defining Threads
Threading Defined
Thread Support in .NET and C#

Threading in .NET
System.Threading Namespace
Lifecycle of Threads
Why Not Thread Everything?
Threading Opportunities
Treading Traps

Working with Threads
Why Worry About Synchronization?
.NET Synchronization Support
.NET Synchronization Strategies
Beware of Deadlocks
End-to-End Examples

Threading Design Principles
Multiple Threads in Applications
STA Threading Model
MTA Threading Model

Scaling Threaded Applications
What is Thread Pooling?
The CLR and Threads
Exploring the ThreadPool Class
Programming the Thread Pool in C#
Scalability in .NET

Debugging and Tracing Threads
Creating the Application Code
Debugging Your Code
Code Tracing
The DataImport Example

Networking and Threading
Networking in .NET
Creating the Sample Application